Desi Local Mumbai Aunties

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

girls cute in sarri pics, The Ins And Outs Of An Online Forex Trading Platform

The Ins And Outs Of An Online Forex Trading Platform

If you are as confused as I was when I started trading currency on the foreign exchange (forex), than this article will do wonders for you. From facts on the forex to the best online forex trading platform, your questions will be answered.
If you are as confused as I was when I started trading currency on the foreign exchange (forex), than this article will do wonders for you. From facts on the forex to the best online forex trading platform, your questions will be answered.
Ok, let's go over some of the basics. What is the forex? Well, forex, the word is simply a combination of the phrase FOReign Exchange. That's it, you're ready to trade. Oh, you want more? The forex market is an electronic market where the currency of different countries are traded.
In actuality, you are trading the value of currency A vs. the value of currency B. Although you can combine any two currencies to form a currency pair, there are four currency pairs that are considered the major pairs.
They are: EUR/USD (Euro/Dollar), GBP/USD (Pound/Dollar), USD/JPY (Dollar/Yen), USD/CHF (Dollar/Franc). You can spend your entire currency trading career trading just one of those pairs.
Now for some interesting facts about the foreign exchange (forex) market. It is over 30 times as large as any other financial market. Remember this fact, we will be touching on it again later. The forex market is open 24 hours a day 5 days a week. This is a great feature as it allows you to partake in the business of currency trading regardless of where in the world you are.
Back to the size of the forex for a second. Due to this attribute, the foreign exchange market provides currency traders with opportunities that do not exist on any other trading tool. Although this article is not being written to get into too much detail about this, I'll give you an example. There is no slippage on Stop orders during regular trading hours. If you are not sure what this means, I strongly suggest you spend some time looking it up. This is a quality that, by itself, separates the forex from all other markets.

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